Lá Glas i mBunscol Chonaire Naofa, 2025
Bhí Lá Glas againn ar scoil inniu. Bhí éadaí glasa le feiceáil ar fud na scoile. Tháinig cuairteoirí speisialta chughainn chun ár gceol, teanga agus cultúr náisiúnta a cheiliuradh. Bhí lá den scoth againn.
We had a Green Day today. Everyone dressed up in green to celebrate our national music, language and culture. Mrs Glynn organised for music with Pauline, Kate and a special visitor, Muireann. We were delighted to welcome the music group from St. Caimin’s Community School too. We had singers, musicians and dancers from St. Conaire’s as well. After break, there was great dancing on the yard in brilliant March sunshine. Many thanks to all involved in the organisation of what was a great Lá Glas. Maith sibh go léir!