Family Fun Walk 2015

The school community came out in force to support our Parents’ Association Family Fun Walk on Friday, April 17 2015. Hundreds of pupils, parents and staff turned out in a huge range of costumes. The evening was beautiful and the atmosphere was one of fun. A huge thank you goes to our Parents’ Association, families who helped with the sponsorship cards, those who donated spot prizes and all who went on the walk.
Many thanks also to the volunteers who stewarded the walk, Shannon Gardaí and the Shannon Order of Malta paramedics. All the funds raised go to support the fantastic work of the Parents’ Association, some examples of which are:
- Extending our Sensory Garden
- Bike rack installation
- ICT and ipads
- Support with buses
This list is not exhaustive but it shows how committed the Parents’ Association is to supporting the work of St. Conaire’s. To all who supported us in any way, go raibh mile maith agaibh uilig!
Click here to see the photographs.
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