Historic Charity CD Launch
Congratulations to the Burren Chernobyl Project, the school choirs of St. Conaire’s and St. Tola’s on the historic launch of The Wonder of You. The CD and single were launched at a special event in Insomnia, Skycourt Shopping Centre, Shannon. The launch was the culmination of many months of hard work. A large crowd of parents and supporters turned out to support the children and the Burren Chernobyl Project volunteers. The CD is available for €5 from both schools and the single The Wonder of You is available for download from iTunes and other platforms. Many thanks to Rosie, Don and Joanne for all of their support and hard work. A very special thank you to the children and choir teachers who put in a great effort since September. Please support the children of Goradiche by purchasing the CD or the single.
The Burren Chernobyl social media links are:
Twitter: @Bcpburren
Facebook: burrenchernobylproject
Instagram: @burrenchernobyl
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